Packing our bags…
We are moving to Estonia! This may seem crazy that we are packing up our two kids and dog, leaving behind our house, job, and all that Canada has to offer. However, we have seen that the best place to be is pursuing God’s call. His faithfulness has carried us through many difficult situations and the blessings have been incredible. We’ve seen the journey that He has brought us on while we have been here in Canada. Each of the following is full story unto itself but through it all He has never let us down.
- Anneli leaving her family and friends to move
- The Canadian immigration process (Anneli will become a Canadian citizen April 11, 2018!)
- Poor work life balance and job layoff
- Minimum wage jobs
- 2 years of overnight shifts
- Anneli able to attend and graduate Humber as a social service worker
- My job at World Vision
- Becoming a licensed pastor
- Anneli serving as worship director
- Two amazing children and the adjustments that accompany
- A miraculous purchase of a house
- Arrow leadership
- Crazy renovations
Looking back it is clear that these situations were necessary for our growth and development. While the future may not be clear to us now we are certain that God will be with us every step of our journey.